Friday, 15 April 2011

Welcome to Anthroscape. Blogging the new anthropology.

Anthroscape is a student run and edited blog which aims to create new spaces in which students' work, ideas and perspectives can be communicated and critically discussed. The blog aims to provide an open and democratic domain for students to engage with issues of public concern that extend beyond the confines of the academy. The blog is open to contributions from all students from UCT's social anthropology department as well as any interested students in the social sciences and at the university at large. We would like to encourage not only written work but also photographic, film and any other forms of media.

We hope that the blog provides new avenues to consider both the study of anthropology itself and the very topics that fall under its gaze.

Please forward contributions to and include any comments below.

Regards the Anthroscape Team 


  1. So great. There should be a place to open up discussions though? like a forum?

  2. Interesting development. I agree with Farrah, though, a forum would be much less intimidating than sending an email. Not sure if it can be done though.

  3. We'll work on this. Although for now if you have something you'd like to discuss send it to us and we'll post it up and people can comment freely
